
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2014


KONSTITUSI Spointers        Konstitusi;. E.C.S. Wade memberikan definisi “ a Document having a special legal sanctity which sets out the frame work and the principal functions of the organs of government  of a state and declares  the principles governing the operation of the those organs “, ( naskah yang memaparkan rangka dan tugas-tugas pokok dari badan-badan pemerintah suatu negara dan menentukan pokok cara kerja badan tersebut ). Prof Sri Sumantri mendifinisikan; Suatu naskah yang memuat suatu bangunan negara dan sendi-sendi system pemerintahan negara.         Ada beberapa pendapat yang membedakan antara konstitusi dengan undang-undang dasar. Konstitusi lebih luas dari pada undang-undang dasar, dan undang-undang dasar hanya merupakan sebagian pengertian konstitusi. Bahkan konstitusi tidak hanya bersifat yuridis melainkan juga bersifat sosiologis dan politis.         Pengertian sosiologis dan politis. Konstitusi merupakan  shintese factor kekuatan yang nyata dalam masyara

UU NO 39 TAHUN 1999 tentang HAM

LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA NUMBER 39 OF 1999 ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS BY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTY PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA , Weigh a. that human beings, as creatures of God Almighty who carry the task of managing and maintaining the universe with full devotion and full responsibility for the welfare of mankind, endowed by his creator rights to ensure the existence of the dignity and glory of his harmonious environment; b. that human rights are basic rights that are bestowed by God himself humans, are universal and eternal, therefore must be protected, respected, maintained, and should not be ignored, reduced or taken away by anyone; c. that in addition to rights, humans also have a basic obligation between humans one against the other and to society as a whole in society, nation, and state; d. that Indonesia as a member of the United Nations to carry out moral and legal responsibility to uphold and implement Dek1arasi Universal Human Rights p